Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Study and the beach.

For the first real time outside of the classroom I actually studied. I have been so caught up in learning and experiencing the culture of Spain that I have forgot to learn the language. I've been busy exploring, meeting new people from all of the world, and having fun with my new Tech friends the Sevillan way while our first test has snuck up on me. Our test is this Thursday. I started making notecards last night at a cafe near my house. It is crazy how much more I understood and could communicate just after one hardcore study session.

Professor Stratton (aka Strat-Daddy) gave us a brief overview in class today on what we could expect to be included in the test. Now, I feel much better on what I need to study between now and thursday. He is seriously one of the best professors I've ever had. He is one funny man. He always has a little "pep" in his step and you can help but to smile. Before class every day he tells us a "cow joke." For example:

"Where do cows go when they want a night out?
To the moo-vies!"

Okay, that was a bad example, his are actually good- but you get the idea.

Today in class we watched an older movie in english with subtitles in spanish. The section of the movie we watched was located in Spain during the time the Christians over threw the Moros to gain dominants in Spain.. It showed nobles and horses and old palaces and soldiers. It was very interesting and really got me thinking about just how lucky I am to be here. Everything that I get it see and experience is so amazing. The history and beauty and culture. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself "Hey, we're in Spain right now." and just take a good look around. Because who knows when the next time I'll have the opportunity to do something as amazing as this.

After class we had the choice to either go to the beach or to go study for the test. Being the intelligent students that we are, we brought our study material to the beach with us. We went to Cadiz to Playa de Victoria. Unlike our first adventure to the beach, this trip we just relaxed, and tried to study some. I took a nice nap listening to the Avett Brothers on my ipod and then woke up and did a little studying on the beach. I wish it was easy back in Lubbock to just go study on a beach somewhere.

I was courageous today in thinking that if I didn't wear sun screen this time at the beach then I would get a better tan. Now I am very sunburned.

Tomorrow we just have class, studying, and tutors. Thursday we have our test and will probably go to Cien since we wont be making it Wednesday. And Friday we are traveling to Granada for 2 days. It should be a moderately relaxing week minus the test. I will keep you updated!

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