Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The beginning of the last week in Sevilla.

It is the beginning of our last week in Sevilla. The past couple of days we have just been catching up on some rest and trying to study a little. We have a big final exam coming up on monday that we have already started studying for. We hope since we started studying early we can actually enjoy the last weekend that we have here. The test is monday and we leave tuesday for Madrid! So we have to fit in a lot of "lasts" this last week.

On monday Angie and I did a little souvenir shopping for our family and found the best gifts! I'm not going to give it away on here, but they are awesome- I am very proud of our purchases! After dinner we just went and met up with our friends for dinner and then headed back to the house to study a bit and do homework.

Angie has been sick the past few days (along with half of our class and half of Sevilla) so we have been taking it pretty easy in hopes that she will feel better for the rest of the week/weekend/our test/and the rest of our travels.

Not going to lie, the thought of already leaving here kind of makes me tear up. Yes, I miss my family, friends, bed, cooking my own food, my car, and a pedicure, and parts of my miss my phone, talking in english to everyone SO MUCH- but I'm going to miss this place like crazy too. 6 weeks here is not enough. I've said it before, but I really am just starting to get the hang of everything feel completely comfortable. It is going to be a bitter-sweet departure..

I was talking to one of our tutors yesterday about how we are here for such a short period of time trying to learn so much spanish that it all doesn't stick in your mind (unless all you do here is study-but we want to experience Sevilla!). Before I came on this trip, I looked at this experience as "this will be a fun/easy way to get these last 6 hours of foreign language credit"- which is true. But it's become more than just that. After experiencing Spain and living in the culture you really start to feel this strong appreciation for the language and the culture- I actually WANT to learn the language and be able to communicate, but there is SO little time here to learn everything I want to learn and to do everything that I want to do!

When Angie and I were walking home yesterday we realized how well we actually new the city now. Even when we think we are lost in the windiest little road, we find our way. We know the bus system- when 5 weeks ago the buses were one of the scariest thing about this city. We can walk about anywhere in-town in about an hour and know exactly where we are at all times. It is just crazy thinking about how comfortable we are now and looking about to our first week- lost constantly, confused, taking the long routine, riding buses for hours cause we didn't know where they went or which side of the road to get on them. And now we are about to leave it all! It's sad..

I went to the coffee shop on my way to class today and the sweetest man who works there already new my exact order and my name- just like home.

I remember back to my first week here- talking to the crying guy from South Carolina on his last night in Sevilla and him telling me to live everyday to my fullest because this day would come so quickly. I believe we have done just that- live each and everyday to the its best! We have had so much fun out and about as well as experiencing the culture, looking at buildings, learning history and language. He told me that this place would feel like home- and it does now!

Before actually coming to Sevilla 6 weeks sounded so long! But not now- 6 weeks is way too short of time here...

Its wednesday and we are going to do our regular wednesday activities! Class and then tutors and Cien tonight!

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